What is VSAM?
  • VSAM is Virtual Storage Access Method
  • It is a method used to move data between Disk and Main Storage
  • VSAM operates in Virtual Environment
  • VSAM acts as interface between Operating System and Application Program

File access methods
Data (Records) is retrieved
  • Sequential (Reading from beginning to end)
  • Random (Records are read by the value in the key)
  • Direct (Records are read based on their physical location/address  on disk)
VSAM provides all these methods
One access method supporting all types of data retrieval
VSAM Catalogs 
All VSAM objects must be cataloged.
  •                  Unlike non-vsam datasets which can be stored in the DASD without a catalog entry and can be accessed by specifying the VOLUME in which they reside
All access on a VSAM object is via the catalog.
  •                   So, it provides means to implement good control over all VSAM objects.
Catalog contains all information about the dataset
  •                   like space, security, access criteria, attributes, processing statistics.
Non-vsam objects can also be defined within VSAM catalog (Including GDGs)

VSAM objects are portable from one system to another. 

There are two types of catalog
  • VSAM catalog
  • ICF catalog
Under ICF
  • Each VSAM dataset has VTOC entry
  • Space managed by OS space manager
  • One primary and 122 secondary allocation